
第十一章 华沙

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t World War:Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918(London:Edw.Arnold,1997),96.

[8] Holger H.Herwig,The First World War:Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918(London:Edw.Arnold,1997),95-96.

[9] Haus-,Hof-und Staatsarchiv,Vienna(HHSA),Politisches Archiv(PA)I,837,Munich,Nov.24 and Dec.8,1914,Oct.11,1915,Vélics to Berchtold.

[10] HHSA,PA I,837,Munich,Oct.22,1915,Vélics to Burián.

[11] HHSA,PA I,837,Munich,Nov.24,1915,Vélics to Burián.

[12] HHSA,PA I,842,Berlin,Oct.6 and Nov.8,1914,Hohenlohe to Berchtold.

[13] Norman Stone,The Eastern Front 1914-1917(London:Penguin,1998[1975]),96;Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,” 11.

[14] Ward Rutherford,The Tsar’s Army 1914-1917,2nd ed.(Cambridge:Ian Faulkner,1992),72,

[15] Stone,Eastern Front,96;Alfred Knox,With the Russian Army 1914-17(London:Hutchinson,1921),1:139-140;Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,75-76.

[16] John Morse,In the Russian Ranks(New York:Grosset and Dunlap,1918),258;Winston S.Churchill,The World Crisis:The Eastern Front(London:Thornton Butterworth,1931),85.

[17] Winston S.Churchill,The Unknown War(New York:Scribner,1931),76.

[18] Fedor Stepun,Wie war es möglich:Briefe eines russischen Offiziers(Munich:Carl Hanser Verlag,1929),22,31.

[19] Hew Strachan,The First World War,vol.1,To Arms(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),359;Gunther E.Rothenberg,The Army of Francis Joseph(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,1976),181.

[20] Stone,Eastern Front,93;Knox,With the Russian Army,1:xxix.

[21] Manfried Rauchensteiner,Der Tod des Doppeladlers:Österreich-Ungarn und der Erste Weltkrieg(Graz:Verlag Styria,1993),146-148;Herwig,First World War,107.

[22] Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,”13-15,18-22.

[23] Annika Mombauer,Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001),147-148.

[24] Capt.B.H.Liddell Hart,The Real War 1914-1918(Boston:Little,Brown,1963),125;Jerabek,“Brussilowoffensive,”24.

[25] Stone,Eastern Front,94-97.

[26] Harry Kessler,Journey to the Abyss:The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler,1880-1918,ed. and trans. Laird M.Easton(New York:Knopf,2011),655.

[27] C.R.M.F.Cruttwell,A History of the Great War 1914-1918(Chicago:Academy,2007[1934]),80.

[28] Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,78;Max Hoffmann,The War of Lost Opportunities(New York:International,1925),150.

[29] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,657.

[30] Morse,In the Russian Ranks,118;Knox,With the Russian Army,1:146.

[31] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,653.

[32] KA,NFA 1795,7 KpsKdo,Dobromil,Oct. 31,1914,GdI Meixner,“Geefechtsbericht über die Kämpfe bei Chyrow und Dobromil von 11 bis 24.Okt. 1914.”

[33] Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,77.

[34] Knox,With the Russian Army,1:ⅹⅹⅹⅲ;Rutherford,Tsar’s Army,74.

[35] KA,NFA 910,Krakau,Nov.14,1914,GdI Eh

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